Karnataka Bank Officer Recruitment 2017 notification and online application link has been released for the Scale-I Officers Posts to apply at www.karnatakabank.com authorized website.
The Karnataka Bank Ltd has recently published a fresh job notification via official portal for appointing dynamic individuals at their Branches or Offices situated across India. The advertisement was revealed for Karnataka Bank Officer Recruitment 2017 in order to fill up highly competent workforce as Officers (Scale-I) vacancies. It is exciting Employment News of this week to those career oriented people who are since long time energetically looking for latest bank Jobs after graduation. We are confident that this most desired job opening in Karnataka Bank will add energy to passionate candidates who wants to make successful career in banking sector. Eligible contestants must grab this one of the rear opportunity by being part and applying online registration form before specified period.
Karnataka Bank was founded in the year of 1924 on February 18th and presently it is a leading technologically advanced Private sector Bank with a pan-India footprint. It is considered as major banking and financial services institution that based in the coastal city of Mangaluru City. It was designated as an A1+ class scheduled commercial bank by Reserve Bank of India. This bank branches are available all over India in 28 states. There are more than 700 branches and above 1100 ATM’s with over 6100 employees. Their main products are retail banking, corporate banking, mortgage loans, finance and insurance. Bank serves these products to approx 6.8 million customers that also include farmers and artisans of villages and small towns of the country.
As per official notice, the selection panel of organization is keenly searching for young skilled, medically fit and positive minded workforce with excellent academic records. So for that, online applications were already invited for the recruitment of Officers in Scale-I jobs. All the intrigued candidates who are prepared to crack this latest Karnataka Government Jobs 2017 must be a post graduates in any discipline or graduates in agriculture field. Interested contenders are required to apply ONLINE for bank officer vacancies on or before 18/01/16 at concerned primary website after that application will not be considered. Appropriate and qualified contestants are here by informed that if they do not furnish right information during registration process then afterwards their candidature will be rejected.
We notify eligible aspirants that call letter for online test shall be made available during 2nd weeks of February month. Candidates need to visit the official website for generating admit card and organization will also sent alerts through email or SMS. Applicants are suggested in their own interest to apply much before closure date for avoiding the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure due to heavy load on internet/portal jam. Readers are also guided to satisfy themselves about eligibility criteria and other conditions related to vacancies as prescribed in Karnataka Bank Officer Scale I Notification 2017. Below we have listed the entire information about eligibilities for grabbing vacancies such as educational qualifications, upper age limit, job locations, application fee, pay scale, selection procedures and important dates.
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Karnataka Bank Officer Recruitment 2017 Basic Details:-
Organization: Karnataka Bank Limited
Job Category: Banking Jobs
Job Location: Anywhere in India
Application Mode: On-line
Post Name: Officers (Scale-I)
karnatakabank.com Officer Jobs Eligibility Criteria:-
Educational/Academic Qualifications (as on 01-01-16):
- Passionate contenders must have a Post Graduation Degree in any discipline (excluding PG Diploma) OR Graduation Degree in Agricultural Sciences or Law from Government approved university/institution.
- Note: – Those candidates who waiting for their results of above mentioned degrees are not eligible to apply.
Age Limit (as on 01-01-16):
Note: – Applicants must have been born after 02-01-1988 and before 01-01-1995.
- For General Category Candidates: Age must not be above 21 years and not below 28 years.
- For SC and ST Category Aspirants upper age limit will be relaxed by 05 (five) years.
Application/Examination Fee (Non-Refundable & Non-Adjustable):
- Unreserved Quota: Rs. 600/- (six hundred rupees only)
- Reserved (SC/ST) Quota: Rs. 500/- (five hundred rupees only)
Salary (per month):
- The recruited applicants will be in the propagation period of 01 year and will receive approximate gross salary of Rs. 37,400/- as per All India Level Settlements.
- This salary will not include any conveyance reimbursement, LFC, residential quarters, etc.
Selection Process:
At last only most capable and suitable contenders will be selected on the basis of their performance and marks received in following exams:-
- Online Test
- Interview
How to fill Online Karnataka Bank Officer Application Form 2017?
- Login to the authorized web server of organization.
- Go to ‘Careers’ section in the home page.
- Now click on the link labeled as “Karnataka Bank Recruitment 2017 Notice of Officers Scale-I Post”.
- First of all navigate to advertisement pdf file and read it carefully.
- If eligible then proceed further and press on “Online Registration” link.
- Now fill up the online application form with details of Name, Category, DOB, Address, Mobile No., Email ID, Examination Centre, etc.
- Upload scanned photo copy along with signature.
- After verifying properly all the inserted data click on “FINAL SUBMIT” option.
- Don’t forget to download and also take printout of applied application for further selection procedures.
Important Dates for the Aspirants:-
- Closing Date for Online Registration and Fee Payment: Update Soon
- Last Date for Printing Online Application: Update Soon
- Date for Examination: Notified Soon
- Interview Date: Notified Later
Important Links:-
Download Official Notification PDF
Karnataka Bank Officer Recruitment 2017 -> APPLY ONLINE NOW
Official website: www.karnatakabank.com
Stay tuned with us, shortly our TechUFO teams will provide you Online Test Syllabus/Pattern, Study Materials, Call Letter, Model Answers, Answer Keys, Cut Off Marks, Results and Merit List through this primary web server. Job seekers can bookmark our portal for fresh updated news regarding sarkari naukari, Rozgar Samachar, Job opportunities, etc. If you are interested in asking any of your doubts for this recruitment then without hesitation write it down in comment box. As fast as possible our experts will reply to your asked queries, THANK YOU.