MP Forest Guard Admit Card 2017, Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Jail Prahari Exam Hall Ticket, MPPEB Forest Guard Exam Dates, MP Vyapam Vanrakhsak Call Letter Download link available online at official website:
MP Vyapam Forest Guard Exam 2017 Admit Card Download Now! Finally, Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is all set to release exam hall ticket for the posts like Forest Guard, Jail Prahari, Pharmacist Grade 2, Male Nurse, Instructor, Teacher, Investigator, Supervisor, etc. The Board authority will upload MPPEB Jail Prahari Admit Card link for this Combined Recruitment Test to their official website i.e. Already, massive numbers of candidates those who were in search of latest MP Govt Jobs have applied for the recruitment by last date i.e. 10th June-17. Now as we know the online registration process is over, so all the applicants are waiting for their MP Vyapam Jail Prahari Hall Ticket 2017 to generate from the concerned site. Those who have registered their applications only they can download Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Vanrakshak Exam Call Letter by logging to the official web page. The details like Registration Number and Date of Birth will be needed to access MPPEB Vanrakshak e-Admit Card PDF successfully. Also, we have provided a direct link to download MP Forest Guard Admit Card 2017 and syllabus on this website at the bottom.
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⇒ Applied candidates can download MPPEB Vyapam Forest Guard/Jail Prahari Answer Key PDF and then CHECK MP Vyapam Forest Guard Result Cutoff Marks from this website just by a single click. Keep your watch here for latest updates.
About Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB): It is famously known as MP Vyapam (Madhya Pradesh Vyavasayik Pariksha Mandal). In the year 1970, the board established and named as the pre-Medical Test Board by Government of Madhya Pradesh. After passing 10 years, Pre-Engineering Board formed and then renamed to Professional Examination Board. The head office of this organization is situated in Bhopal city. It is a self-financed, autonomous incorporated body, professional examination board of MP, India which conducts various tests for admission to professional courses and streams. Every year various exams conducted by the Vyapam Board such as Pre-Medical Test, Pre-Polytechnic Test, Pre-Agriculture Test, Pre-P.G. Entrance Test, Pre-M.C.A. Entrance Test, Management Entrance Test, B.A., L.L.B., Pre-BEd Examination, Pre-Ayurvedic, Homeopathic & Unani Test, MPSLET, Police Recruitment Test, Accountant, Auditor, GNTST, PNST, PV & FT, Homeopathy, etc. Recently, MPPEB Forest Guard Recruitment released to fill up total 2362 vacancies including Jail Prahari, Pharmacist, and other posts. Eligible contestants have submitted applications from 23rd May to 10th June 2017. Now, the MP Vyapam Admit Card download link published and aspirants can find it from an online web portal.
Page Contents
MP Forest Guard Admit Card 2017 Download
MPPE Board is administration association that directs examination to test the qualification ability for different occupation parts to the candidates. It is the largest examination conducting body of Madhya Pradesh state and comes directly under the Directorate of Technical Education. Every year nearly about 15 lakh candidates appear in exams conducted by MPPEB Recruitment Board and recruit the dynamic and career oriented people on various positions. It’s a dream of every eligible people to get 10th pass Govt Vacancy under this board. According to the official notification, the Professional Examination Board of Madhya Pradesh has scheduled to conduct the written examination from 18th July to 28th July 2017 at various centres located in the State. This written test is going to held for the posts of Vanarakshak, Jail Prahari, Pharmacist Grade 2, Instructor, and many other posts. Only those who perform well on MP Vyapam Forest Guard Written Exam Dates will get a chance to attend Physical Test followed by Personal Interview. Getting this job is not an easy task as there will a huge competition in the selection process. Hence, aspirants need to prepare well also MPPEB Jail Prahari Exam Date already declared at the website.
MP Vyapam Jail Prahari Admit Card 2017
Madhya Pradesh Vyavasayik Pariksha Mandal will appoint young, smart and physically fit candidates for all these 2362 posts by conducting the Written Examination and Physical Standard Test on scheduled dates. Just now, the department has released the MP Jail Prahari Hall Ticket to appear in the examination. Contestants who have applied for these vacancies can download their MPPEB Forest Guard Admit Card 2017 from the official site or a link uploaded below. Remember, MPPEB Exam Admit Card is the most important document that carries professional details of applicants like name, seat no., date of birth, examination venue, exam date & time, passport size photo, signature and other useful details. Aspirants have advised to keeps their Hall Tickets in the safe place after downloading from online sources. Every contender needs to bring their MP Vyapam Vanarakshak Call Letter while going to attend the examination. Those who come without hall ticket, invigilator didn’t allow them to appear in written test. Candidates are strictly advice to bring one original copy of ID proof i.e. Voter ID, PAN Card, Driving License, Aadhar Card, etc. along with Call Letter. (Also Check ⇒ MP Police Constable Admit Card regarding details.)
MP Vyapam Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2017 Exam Date
Organization Name: MP Vyapam (Madhya Pradesh Vyavasayik Pariksha Mandal)
Page Category: Test Admit Card (TAC)/Hall Ticket/Call Letter
Total Vacancies: 2362
Vacancy Names: Forest Guard (Vanrakshak), Jail Prahari, Pharmacist Grade II (Compounder), Male Nurse, Stitch Instructor, Physical Training Instructor, Teacher/Assistant Teacher, Weaving Instructor, Investigator, Supervisor, Foreman Press, and Carpentry Instructor.
Pay Scale: Rs. 05,200/- to 20,200/- plus Grade pay of Rs. 01,900/-
Exam Name: MP Jail Vibhag , Karyalay Pradhan Mukhya Van Sanrakhsak & Rajya Van Vikas Nigam Ltd. Bhopal Combined Recruitment Test 2017
Selection Procedure: Written Test, Physical Test and Personal Interview
Examination Dates: 18.07.2017 to 28.07.2017
- Each candidate will get their exact date of exam and timings of the test by downloading the Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Jail Prahari/Vanrakshak Hall Ticket Direct link connected below.
Timing Details:-
Shifts | Reporting Time | Instruction Time | Test Time |
Morning Shift | 07.50 AM | 08.50 AM to 09 AM (10 minutes) | 09 AM to 11 AM (02 hours) |
Afternoon Shift | 01.30 PM | 02.50 PM to 03 PM (10 minutes) | 03 AM to 05 PM (02 hours) |
MPPEB Admit Card Status: Released, check below mentioned links
Cutoff Marks: The exam cut off marks expected to be 50 marks for General, 45 marks for OBC, 40 marks for SC and 36 marks for ST Categories. The cutoff is a very much important factor for this recruitment test which every candidate should keep that in their mind. Applicants scoring above cutoff will have a good chance for next level. Aspirants can obtain the entire info related to MPPEB Vyapam Forest Guard Test Admit Card, Syllabus, Exam, Pattern, Cut off Marks and Result through the help of this web page that well structured by the team member of
Madhya Pradesh PEB Forest Guard (Vanrakshak) Exam Pattern/Syllabus:-
⇓ Written Examination Details ⇓ | |||
Exam Type | Topics | Marks | Time Duration |
100 MCQ Objective Type | General Knowledge | 100 | 02 hours (120 minutes) |
General Hindi | |||
General English | |||
General Mathematics | |||
General Science |
⇓ Physical Examination Details ⇓ | ||
Category | Walking | |
Distance | Duration | |
Male | 25 KMs | 04 hours (240 minutes) |
Female | 14 KMs | 04 hours (240 minutes) | MPPEB admit card 2017
Good news for aspirants who were energetically waiting for MP Vyapam Forest Guard Admit Card now as they can download it from the website. After receiving the e-Admit card, they need to confirm their name, identity and other details are correct. If any misprint or any other mistake takes place on MPPEB Pharmacist Grade 2 Call Letter, then they can consult the official authorities via phone/mail. Contestants must note that unattended material like papers, mobile phone and any other electronic gadgets strictly prohibited inside the venue. In the first round of selection process, the board will conduct written exam consist of 100 questions for 100 marks. The exam will have subjects like General English, General Knowledge, General Hindi, General Maths and General Science. All the 100 questions will be of High School Standard in the examination. If job seekers find any difficulty in downloading MPPEB Forest Guard Hall Ticket, then follow below given steps. All the candidates are advised to preserve a printed copy of MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Admit Card as well as Madhya Pradesh Jail Pahari Hall Ticket 2017 till the completion of the entire recruitment process.
⇓ Name of the Examination Centres ⇓ |
1) Bhopal, 2) Indore, 3) Jabalpur, 4) Gwalior, 5) Sagar, 6) Ujjain, 7) Satna, 8) Ratlam, 9) Katni, 10) Maureen, 11) Khandva, 12) Guna, 13) Shidhi, 14) Neemach, 15) Mandshor, 16) Damooh and 17) Chindvada. |
How to download MP Vyapam Vanrakshak Exam Call Letter 2017?
Hello, Folks! Don’t worry if you have applied for MP Jail Vibhag, Karyalay Pradhan Mukhya Van Sanrakhsak & Rajya Van Vikas Nigam Ltd Exam and don’t know how to get MPPEB e-Admit Card link from the official website. Here are the simple process mentioned below that every candidate can follow to collect their Hall Ticket by logging to the online portal. We have uploaded Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Forest Guard Hall Ticket Download Link here on this page. Just press on it and access to the page where you can get your Call Letter by inserting details. Don’t forget to carry your original Photo-ID to enter the Examination Hall. The authority will not allow a printout of E-Aadhar Card. Brief details about exam will be available in the Hall Ticket.
- Open the official website or open a link mentioned below.
- In a home page, navigate to the ‘Test Admit Card’ or ‘Latest Updates’ section.
- Now, press the download link titled as “Admit Card for MPPEB Forest Guard/Jail Prahari Combined Recruitment Exam 2017”.
- As soon as you press the link, a login page will appear on your screen.
- Fill up the details like Application ID Number, Roll Number, Password, Date of Birth, etc. in a login page.
- Verify the filled up details and the click the Submit button.
- Finally, your exam Hall Ticket will open containing details like Contestant’s Name, Category, Age, Photo, Signature, Exam Name, Date, Venue Address, etc.
- Download the PDF of call letter to your device.
- Also, don’t forget to print a copy for use during the examination procedure.
- Keep this Hall Ticket copy and your one original photo ID proof along with you on the exam day.
Quick Link
MP Forest Guard Admit Card 2017 ⇒ Download Now
Official Websites: ||
Wish you all BEST OF LUCK for your success in the above examination and bright future as well. Once the MPPEB Forest Guard Exam Hall Ticket 2017 link is published, aspirants can catch it using the above official URL. Candidates can bookmark this web page i.e. to find out further updates regularly. If any candidate is having downloading issues related to MPPEB Jail Prahari Call Letter, then without any hesitation contact authorities through Toll-Free Number i.e. 18002337899. Also, contestant can share it in a below given comment box to discuss with our team member. We update Madhya Pradesh Vanrakhak Answer Key soon after the examination and also results after the declaration. Stay tuned!!